Abstract:Optically-transparent opportunistic electromagnetic skins (OTO-EMSs) are proposed to enable outdoor-to-indoor (O2I) millimiter-wave (mmW) wireless communications with existing windows/glass-panels. More in detail, static passive EMSs consisting of optically-transparent conducting patterned layers attached to standard glass-panels are designed. Towards this end, both the phase coverage and the optical transparency of a meshed copper-based meta-atom printed on a non-dedicated insulated glass substrate are optimized. Successively, the feasibility of OTO-EMSs able to support mmW high-efficiency O2I transmissions along non-Snell refraction directions is numerically demonstrated.
Abstract:Electromagnetic skins (EMSs) have been recently considered as a booster for wireless sensing, but their usage on mobile targets is relatively novel and could be of interest when the target reflectivity can/must be increased to improve its detection or the estimation of parameters. In particular, when illuminated by a wide-bandwidth signal (e.g., from a radar operating at millimeter waves), vehicles behave like \textit{extended targets}, since multiple parts of the vehicle's body effectively contribute to the back-scattering. Moreover, in some cases perspective deformations challenge the correct localization of the vehicle. To address these issues, we propose lodging EMSs on vehicles' roof to act as high-reflectivity planar retro-reflectors toward the sensing terminal. The advantage is twofold: \textit{(i)} by introducing a compact high-reflectivity structure on the target, we make vehicles behave like \textit{point targets}, avoiding perspective deformations and related ranging biases and \textit{(ii)} we increase the reflectivity the vehicle, improving localization performance. We detail the EMS design from the system-level to the full-wave-level considering both reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RIS) and cost-effective static passive electromagnetic skins (SP-EMSs). Localization performance of the EMS-aided sensing system is also assessed by Cram\'er-Rao bound analysis in both narrowband and spatially wideband operating conditions.
Abstract:Practical applications of microwave imaging often require the solution of inverse scattering problems with inhomogeneous backgrounds. Towards this end, a novel inversion strategy, which combines the multi-scaling (MS) regularization scheme and the Difference Contraction Integral Equation (DCIE) formulation, is proposed. Such an integrated approach mitigates the non-linearity and the ill-posedness of the problem to obtain reliable high-resolution reconstructions of the unknown scattering profiles. The arising algorithmic implementation, denoted as MS-DCIE, does not require the computation of the Green's function of the inhomogeneous background, thus it provides an efficient and effective way to deal with complex scenarios. The performance of the MS-DCIE are assessed by means of numerical and experimental tests, in comparison with competitive state-of-the-art inversion strategies, as well.
Abstract:Thinning antenna arrays through quantum Fourier transform (QFT) is proposed. Given the lattice of the candidate locations for the array elements, the problem of selecting which antenna location has to be either occupied or not by an array element is formulated in the quantum computing (QC) framework and then addressed with an ad-hoc design method based on a suitable implementation of the QFT algorithm. Representative numerical results are presented and discussed to point out the features and the advantages of the proposed QC-based thinning technique.
Abstract:An innovative approach for the synthesis of inexpensive holographic smart electromagnetic (EM) skins with advanced beamforming features is proposed. The complex multiscale smart skin design is formulated within the Generalized Sheet Transition Condition (GSTC) framework as a combination of a mask-constrained isophoric inverse source problem and a micro-scale susceptibility dyadic optimization. The solution strategy integrates a local search procedure based on the iterative projection technique (IPT) and a System-by-Design (SbD)-based optimization loop for the identification of optimal metasurface descriptors matching the desired surface currents. The performance and the efficiency of the proposed approach are assessed in a set of representative test cases concerned with different smart skin apertures and target pattern masks.