Abstract:For a given ground cost, approximating the Monge optimal transport map that pushes forward a given probability measure onto another has become a staple in several modern machine learning algorithms. The fourth-order Ma-Trudinger-Wang (MTW) tensor associated with this ground cost function provides a notion of curvature in optimal transport. The non-negativity of this tensor plays a crucial role for establishing continuity for the Monge optimal transport map. It is, however, generally difficult to analytically verify this condition for any given ground cost. To expand the class of cost functions for which MTW non-negativity can be verified, we propose a provably correct computational approach which provides certificates of non-negativity for the MTW tensor using Sum-of-Squares (SOS) programming. We further show that our SOS technique can also be used to compute an inner approximation of the region where MTW non-negativity holds. We apply our proposed SOS programming method to several practical ground cost functions to approximate the regions of regularity of their corresponding optimal transport maps.
Abstract:We propose to learn the time-varying stochastic computational resource usage of software as a graph structured Schr\"odinger bridge problem. In general, learning the computational resource usage from data is challenging because resources such as the number of CPU instructions and the number of last level cache requests are both time-varying and statistically correlated. Our proposed method enables learning the joint time-varying stochasticity in computational resource usage from the measured profile snapshots in a nonparametric manner. The method can be used to predict the most-likely time-varying distribution of computational resource availability at a desired time. We provide detailed algorithms for stochastic learning in both single and multi-core cases, discuss the convergence guarantees, computational complexities, and demonstrate their practical use in two case studies: a single-core nonlinear model predictive controller, and a synthetic multi-core software.
Abstract:The solution of the path structured multimarginal Schr\"{o}dinger bridge problem (MSBP) is the most-likely measure-valued trajectory consistent with a sequence of observed probability measures or distributional snapshots. We leverage recent algorithmic advances in solving such structured MSBPs for learning stochastic hardware resource usage by control software. The solution enables predicting the time-varying distribution of hardware resource availability at a desired time with guaranteed linear convergence. We demonstrate the efficacy of our probabilistic learning approach in a model predictive control software execution case study. The method exhibits rapid convergence to an accurate prediction of hardware resource utilization of the controller. The method can be broadly applied to any software to predict cyber-physical context-dependent performance at arbitrary time.