Abstract:In Statistical Arbitrage (StatArb), classical mean reversion trading strategies typically hinge on asset-pricing or PCA based models to identify the mean of a synthetic asset. Once such a (linear) model is identified, a separate mean reversion strategy is then devised to generate a trading signal. With a view of generalising such an approach and turning it truly data-driven, we study the utility of Autoencoder architectures in StatArb. As a first approach, we employ a standard Autoencoder trained on US stock returns to derive trading strategies based on the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck (OU) process. To further enhance this model, we take a policy-learning approach and embed the Autoencoder network into a neural network representation of a space of portfolio trading policies. This integration outputs portfolio allocations directly and is end-to-end trainable by backpropagation of the risk-adjusted returns of the neural policy. Our findings demonstrate that this innovative end-to-end policy learning approach not only simplifies the strategy development process, but also yields superior gross returns over its competitors illustrating the potential of end-to-end training over classical two-stage approaches.