Abstract:Open information extraction (OIE) is the process to extract relations and their arguments automatically from textual documents without the need to restrict the search to predefined relations. In recent years, several OIE systems for the English language have been created but there is not any system for the Vietnamese language. In this paper, we propose a method of OIE for Vietnamese using a clause-based approach. Accordingly, we exploit Vietnamese dependency parsing using grammar clauses that strives to consider all possible relations in a sentence. The corresponding clause types are identified by their propositions as extractable relations based on their grammatical functions of constituents. As a result, our system is the first OIE system named vnOIE for the Vietnamese language that can generate open relations and their arguments from Vietnamese text with highly scalable extraction while being domain independent. Experimental results show that our OIE system achieves promising results with a precision of 83.71%.
Abstract:Open Information Extraction (Open IE) systems aim to obtain relation tuples with highly scalable extraction in portable across domain by identifying a variety of relation phrases and their arguments in arbitrary sentences. The first generation of Open IE learns linear chain models based on unlexicalized features such as Part-of-Speech (POS) or shallow tags to label the intermediate words between pair of potential arguments for identifying extractable relations. Open IE currently is developed in the second generation that is able to extract instances of the most frequently observed relation types such as Verb, Noun and Prep, Verb and Prep, and Infinitive with deep linguistic analysis. They expose simple yet principled ways in which verbs express relationships in linguistics such as verb phrase-based extraction or clause-based extraction. They obtain a significantly higher performance over previous systems in the first generation. In this paper, we describe an overview of two Open IE generations including strengths, weaknesses and application areas.