Abstract:Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) excel in many visual tasks, but they tend to be sensitive to slight input perturbations that are imperceptible to the human eye, often resulting in task failures. Recent studies indicate that training CNNs with regularizers that promote brain-like representations, using neural recordings, can improve model robustness. However, the requirement to use neural data severely restricts the utility of these methods. Is it possible to develop regularizers that mimic the computational function of neural regularizers without the need for neural recordings, thereby expanding the usability and effectiveness of these techniques? In this work, we inspect a neural regularizer introduced in Li et al. (2019) to extract its underlying strength. The regularizer uses neural representational similarities, which we find also correlate with pixel similarities. Motivated by this finding, we introduce a new regularizer that retains the essence of the original but is computed using image pixel similarities, eliminating the need for neural recordings. We show that our regularization method 1) significantly increases model robustness to a range of black box attacks on various datasets and 2) is computationally inexpensive and relies only on original datasets. Our work explores how biologically motivated loss functions can be used to drive the performance of artificial neural networks.
Abstract:Synaptic plasticity is widely accepted to be the mechanism behind learning in the brain's neural networks. A central question is how synapses, with access to only local information about the network, can still organize collectively and perform circuit-wide learning in an efficient manner. In single-layered and all-to-all connected neural networks, local plasticity has been shown to implement gradient-based learning on a class of cost functions that contain a term that aligns the similarity of outputs to the similarity of inputs. Whether such cost functions exist for networks with other architectures is not known. In this paper, we introduce structured and deep similarity matching cost functions, and show how they can be optimized in a gradient-based manner by neural networks with local learning rules. These networks extend F\"oldiak's Hebbian/Anti-Hebbian network to deep architectures and structured feedforward, lateral and feedback connections. Credit assignment problem is solved elegantly by a factorization of the dual learning objective to synapse specific local objectives. Simulations show that our networks learn meaningful features.