Abstract:We report tele-seismic waves detection from multiple earthquakes on an operational subsea cable from Iceland to Ireland. Using per-span laser interferometry with 100km spacing, we report clear detection of S-, P- and surface waves from multiple world-wide earthquakes, enabling seismic analysis for early warning applications.
Abstract:We monitor a 524km live network link using an FPGA-based sensing-capable coherent transceiver prototype during a human-caused cable break. Post-analysis of polarization data reveals minute-level potential warning precursors and baseline-exceeding changes directly preceding the break.
Abstract:We demonstrate the digital twin of a network, network elements, and operating environment using machine learning. We achieve network card failure localization and remote collaboration over 86 km of fiber using augmented reality.
Abstract:In this work we demonstrate an FPGA-based coherent optical frequency domain reflectometry setup for cable monitoring. Using coherent detection for averaging and narrowband filtering, we significantly improve the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) compared to traditional intensity-only techniques while also enabling continuous monitoring of phase and polarization. In addition, the probe signal has constant power, avoiding the nonlinear distortions and thereby enabling continuous use without interfering with data channels. We perform a field demonstration over a trans-oceanic cable using loopback configurations present in each repeater, demonstrating measurement SNR exceeding 30 dB for all about 80 repeaters with an averaging window of 1 second. We furthermore compare cable monitoring using coherent processing to today's solutions using power-only measurements. Our results show how transitioning to coherent technology for cable monitoring can improve sensitivity and enable new types of monitoring, exploring knowledge gained from transitioning from incoherent to coherent data transmission.
Abstract:We implement a real-time coherent transceiver with fast streaming outputs for environmental sensing. Continuous sensing using phase and equalizer outputs over 12800km of a submarine cable is demonstrated to enable time resolved spectroscopy in broad spectral range of 10mHz - 1kHz.