Abstract:Conventional federated learning (FL) frameworks follow a server-driven model where the server determines session initiation and client participation, which faces challenges in accommodating clients' asynchronous needs for model updates. We introduce Client-Driven Federated Learning (CDFL), a novel FL framework that puts clients at the driving role. In CDFL, each client independently and asynchronously updates its model by uploading the locally trained model to the server and receiving a customized model tailored to its local task. The server maintains a repository of cluster models, iteratively refining them using received client models. Our framework accommodates complex dynamics in clients' data distributions, characterized by time-varying mixtures of cluster distributions, enabling rapid adaptation to new tasks with superior performance. In contrast to traditional clustered FL protocols that send multiple cluster models to a client to perform distribution estimation, we propose a paradigm that offloads the estimation task to the server and only sends a single model to a client, and novel strategies to improve estimation accuracy. We provide a theoretical analysis of CDFL's convergence. Extensive experiments across various datasets and system settings highlight CDFL's substantial advantages in model performance and computation efficiency over baselines.
Abstract:We focus on the problem of Personalized Federated Continual Learning (PFCL): a group of distributed clients, each with a sequence of local tasks on arbitrary data distributions, collaborate through a central server to train a personalized model at each client, with the model expected to achieve good performance on all local tasks. We propose a novel PFCL framework called Federated Memory Strengthening FedMeS to address the challenges of client drift and catastrophic forgetting. In FedMeS, each client stores samples from previous tasks using a small amount of local memory, and leverages this information to both 1) calibrate gradient updates in training process; and 2) perform KNN-based Gaussian inference to facilitate personalization. FedMeS is designed to be task-oblivious, such that the same inference process is applied to samples from all tasks to achieve good performance. FedMeS is analyzed theoretically and evaluated experimentally. It is shown to outperform all baselines in average accuracy and forgetting rate, over various combinations of datasets, task distributions, and client numbers.