Abstract:We propose a new approach to simulate neutrino scattering events as an alternative to the standard Monte Carlo generator approach. Generative adversarial neural network (GAN) models are developed to simulate neutrino-carbon collisions in the few-GeV energy range. The models produce scattering events for a given neutrino energy. GAN models are trained on simulation data from NuWro Monte Carlo event generator. Two GAN models have been obtained: one simulating only quasielastic neutrino-nucleus scatterings and another simulating all interactions at given neutrino energy. The performance of both models has been assessed using two statistical metrics. It is shown that both GAN models successfully reproduce the event distributions.
Abstract:Transfer learning (TL) allows a deep neural network (DNN) trained on one type of data to be adapted for new problems with limited information. We propose to use the TL technique in physics. The DNN learns the physics of one process, and after fine-tuning, it makes predictions for related processes. We consider the DNNs, trained on inclusive electron-carbon scattering data, and show that after fine-tuning, they accurately predict cross sections for electron interactions with nuclear targets ranging from lithium to iron. The method works even when the DNN is fine-tuned on a small dataset.
Abstract:Employing the neural network framework, we obtain empirical fits to the electron-scattering cross section for carbon over a broad kinematic region, extending from the quasielastic peak, through resonance excitation, to the onset of deep-inelastic scattering. We consider two different methods of obtaining such model-independent parametrizations and the corresponding uncertainties: based on the NNPDF approach [J. High Energy Phys. 2002, 062], and on the Monte Carlo dropout. In our analysis, the $\chi^2$ function defines the loss function, including point-to-point uncertainties and considering the systematic normalization uncertainties for each independent set of measurements. Our statistical approaches lead to fits of comparable quality and similar uncertainties of the order of $7\%$ and $12\%$ for the first and the second approaches, respectively. To test these models, we compare their predictions to a~test dataset, excluded from the training process, a~dataset lying beyond the covered kinematic region, and theoretical predictions obtained within the spectral function approach. The predictions of both models agree with experimental measurements and the theoretical predictions. However, the first statistical approach shows better interpolation and extrapolation abilities than the one based on the dropout algorithm.