Abstract:Background. In the last decades, several life science resources have structured data using the same framework and made these accessible using the same query language to facilitate interoperability. Knowledge graphs have seen increased adoption in bioinformatics due to their advantages for representing data in a generic graph format. For example, yummydata.org catalogs more than 60 knowledge graphs accessible through SPARQL, a technical query language. Although SPARQL allows powerful, expressive queries, even across physically distributed knowledge graphs, formulating such queries is a challenge for most users. Therefore, to guide users in retrieving the relevant data, many of these resources provide representative examples. These examples can also be an important source of information for machine learning, if a sufficiently large number of examples are provided and published in a common, machine-readable and standardized format across different resources. Findings. We introduce a large collection of human-written natural language questions and their corresponding SPARQL queries over federated bioinformatics knowledge graphs (KGs) collected for several years across different research groups at the SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics. The collection comprises more than 1000 example questions and queries, including 65 federated queries. We propose a methodology to uniformly represent the examples with minimal metadata, based on existing standards. Furthermore, we introduce an extensive set of open-source applications, including query graph visualizations and smart query editors, easily reusable by KG maintainers who adopt the proposed methodology. Conclusions. We encourage the community to adopt and extend the proposed methodology, towards richer KG metadata and improved Semantic Web services.
Abstract:Expert curation is essential to capture knowledge of enzyme functions from the scientific literature in FAIR open knowledgebases but cannot keep pace with the rate of new discoveries and new publications. In this work we present EnzChemRED, for Enzyme Chemistry Relation Extraction Dataset, a new training and benchmarking dataset to support the development of Natural Language Processing (NLP) methods such as (large) language models that can assist enzyme curation. EnzChemRED consists of 1,210 expert curated PubMed abstracts in which enzymes and the chemical reactions they catalyze are annotated using identifiers from the UniProt Knowledgebase (UniProtKB) and the ontology of Chemical Entities of Biological Interest (ChEBI). We show that fine-tuning pre-trained language models with EnzChemRED can significantly boost their ability to identify mentions of proteins and chemicals in text (Named Entity Recognition, or NER) and to extract the chemical conversions in which they participate (Relation Extraction, or RE), with average F1 score of 86.30% for NER, 86.66% for RE for chemical conversion pairs, and 83.79% for RE for chemical conversion pairs and linked enzymes. We combine the best performing methods after fine-tuning using EnzChemRED to create an end-to-end pipeline for knowledge extraction from text and apply this to abstracts at PubMed scale to create a draft map of enzyme functions in literature to guide curation efforts in UniProtKB and the reaction knowledgebase Rhea. The EnzChemRED corpus is freely available at https://ftp.expasy.org/databases/rhea/nlp/.