Abstract:In this paper, we show that the multiple-stem approach to nouns with a broken plural pattern allows for greater generalizations to be stated in the morphological system. Such an approach dispenses with truncating/deleting rules and other complex rules that are required to account for the highly allomorphic broken plural system. The generation of inflected sound nouns necessitates a pre-specification of the affixes denoting the sound plural masculine and the sound plural feminine, namely uwna and aAt, in the lexicon. The first subsection of section one provides an evaluation of some of the previous analyses of the Arabic broken plural. We provide both linguistic and statistical evidence against deriving broken plurals from the singular or the root. In subsection two, we propose a multiple stem approach to the Arabic Noun Plural System within the Lexeme-based Morphology framework. In section two, we look at the noun inflection of Arabic. Section three provides an implementation of the Arabic Noun system in MORPHE. In this context, we show how the generalizations discussed in the linguistic analysis section are captured in Morphe using the equivalencing nodes.
Abstract:Avatar technology can offer accessibility possibilities and improve the Deaf-and-Hard of Hearing sign language users access to communication, education and services, such as the healthcare system. However, sign language users acceptance of signing avatars as well as their attitudes towards them vary and depend on many factors. Furthermore, research on avatar technology is mostly done by researchers who are not Deaf. The study examines the extent to which intrinsic or extrinsic factors contribute to predict the attitude towards avatars across cultures. Intrinsic factors include the characteristics of the avatar, such as appearance, movements and facial expressions. Extrinsic factors include users technology experience, their hearing status, age and their sign language fluency. This work attempts to answer questions such as, if lower attitude ratings are related to poor technology experience with ASL users, for example, is that also true for Moroccan Sign Language (MSL) users? For the purposes of the study, we designed a questionnaire to understand MSL users attitude towards avatars. Three groups of participants were surveyed: Deaf (57), Hearing (20) and Hard-of-Hearing (3). The results of our study were then compared with those reported in other relevant studies.