Abstract:Subtyping, also known as subtype polymorphism, is a concept extensively studied in programming language theory, delineating the substitutability relation among datatypes. This property ensures that programs designed for supertype objects remain compatible with their subtypes. In this paper, we explore the capability of order-sorted logic for utilizing these ideas in the context of Knowledge Representation. We recognize two fundamental limitations: First, the inability of this logic to address the concept rather than the value of non-logical symbols, and second, the lack of language constructs for constraining the type of terms. Consequently, we propose guarded order-sorted intensional logic, where guards are language constructs for annotating typing information and intensional logic provides support for quantification over concepts.
Abstract:Substantial efforts have been made in developing various Decision Modeling formalisms, both from industry and academia. A challenging problem is that of expressing decision knowledge in the context of incomplete knowledge. In such contexts, decisions depend on what is known or not known. We argue that none of the existing formalisms for modeling decisions are capable of correctly capturing the epistemic nature of such decisions, inevitably causing issues in situations of uncertainty. This paper presents a new language for modeling decisions with incomplete knowledge. It combines three principles: stratification, autoepistemic logic, and definitions. A knowledge base in this language is a hierarchy of epistemic theories, where each component theory may epistemically reason on the knowledge in lower theories, and decisions are made using definitions with epistemic conditions.