Regular measurement of carbon stock in the world's forests is critical for carbon accounting and reporting under national and international climate initiatives, and for scientific research, but has been largely limited in scalability and temporal resolution due to a lack of ground based assessments. Increasing efforts have been made to address these challenges by incorporating remotely sensed data. We present a new methodology which uses multi-sensor, multi-spectral imagery at a resolution of 10 meters and a deep learning based model which unifies the prediction of above ground biomass density (AGBD), canopy height (CH), canopy cover (CC) as well as uncertainty estimations for all three quantities. The model is trained on millions of globally sampled GEDI-L2/L4 measurements. We validate the capability of our model by deploying it over the entire globe for the year 2023 as well as annually from 2016 to 2023 over selected areas. The model achieves a mean absolute error for AGBD (CH, CC) of 26.1 Mg/ha (3.7 m, 9.9 %) and a root mean squared error of 50.6 Mg/ha (5.4 m, 15.8 %) on a globally sampled test dataset, demonstrating a significant improvement over previously published results. We also report the model performance against independently collected ground measurements published in the literature, which show a high degree of correlation across varying conditions. We further show that our pre-trained model facilitates seamless transferability to other GEDI variables due to its multi-head architecture.