Community Question Answering (CQA) has gained increasing popularity in many domains. Mortgage is a complex and dynamic industry, and a flexible and efficient CQA platform can potentially enhance the quality of service for mortgage officers significantly. We have built a dynamic CQA platform with a state of the art semantic search engine based on recent Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques to dynamically and collectively capture and transfer the maturity and tribal knowledge of the more experienced workforce to less experienced ones. The search engine allows for both keyword and natural language queries and is based on a fine-tuned domain-adapted Sentence-BERT encoder linearly composed with a TF-IDF vectorizer, and reciprocal-rank fused with a BM25 vectorizer. Domain adaptation and fine-tuning is based on publicly available mortgage corpora. Evaluation is performed on an internally annotated dataset using standard information retrieval metrics such as normalized discounted cumulative gain (nDCG), precision/recall at n, mean reciprocal rank, and mean average precision (MAP). The results indicate that our hybrid, fine-tuned, domain-adapted search engine is a more effective approach in responding to the information needs of our mortgage officers compared to traditional search techniques. We aim to publish the internally-annotated evaluation and training datasets in the near future.