Parallels between the signal processing tasks and biological neurons lead to an understanding of the principles of self-organized optimization of input signal recognition. In the present paper, we discuss such similarities among biological and technical systems. We propose the addition to the well-known STDP synaptic plasticity rule to directs the weight modification towards the state associated with the maximal difference between the background noise and correlated signals. The principle of physically constrained weight growth is used as a basis for such control of the modification of the weights. It is proposed, that biological synaptic straight modification is restricted by the existence and production of bio-chemical 'substances' needed for plasticity development. In this paper, the information about the noise-to-signal ratio is used to control such a substances' production and storage and to drive the neuron's synaptic pressures towards the state with the best signal-to-noise ratio. Several experiments with different input signal regimes are considered to understand the functioning of the proposed approach.