We introduce Temporal Ensemble Logic (TEL), a monadic, first-order modal logic for linear-time temporal reasoning. TEL includes primitive temporal constructs such as ``always up to $t$ time later'' ($\Box_t$), ``sometimes before $t$ time in the future'' ($\Diamond_t$), and ``$t$-time later'' $\varphi_t$. TEL has been motivated from the requirement for rigor and reproducibility for cohort specification and discovery in clinical and population health research, to fill a gap in formalizing temporal reasoning in biomedicine. In this paper, we first introduce TEL in a general set up, with discrete and dense time as special cases. We then focus on the theoretical development of discrete TEL on the temporal domain of positive integers $\mathbb{N}^+$, denoted as ${\rm TEL}_{\mathbb{N}^+}$. ${\rm TEL}_{\mathbb{N}^+}$ is strictly more expressive than the standard monadic second order logic, characterized by B\"{u}chi automata. We present its formal semantics, a proof system, and provide a proof for the undecidability of the satisfiability of ${\rm TEL}_{\mathbb{N}^+}$. We also discuss expressiveness and decidability fragments for ${\rm TEL}_{\mathbb{N}^+}$, followed by illustrative applications.