Contrary to the use of genetic programming, the neural network approach to symbolic regression can scale well with high input dimension and leverage gradient methods for faster equation searching. Common ways of constraining expression complexity have relied on multistage pruning methods with fine-tuning, but these often lead to significant performance loss. In this work, we propose SymbolNet, a neural network approach to symbolic regression in a novel framework that enables dynamic pruning of model weights, input features, and mathematical operators in a single training, where both training loss and expression complexity are optimized simultaneously. We introduce a sparsity regularization term per pruning type, which can adaptively adjust its own strength and lead to convergence to a target sparsity level. In contrast to most existing symbolic regression methods that cannot efficiently handle datasets with more than $O$(10) inputs, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our model on the LHC jet tagging task (16 inputs), MNIST (784 inputs), and SVHN (3072 inputs).