Regular cameras and cell phones are able to capture limited luminosity. Thus, in terms of quality, most of the produced images from such devices are not similar to the real world. They are overly dark or too bright, and the details are not perfectly visible. Various methods, which fall under the name of High Dynamic Range (HDR) Imaging, can be utilised to cope with this problem. Their objective is to produce an image with more details. However, unfortunately, most methods for generating an HDR image from Multi-Exposure images only concentrate on how to combine different exposures and do not have any focus on choosing the best details of each image. Therefore, it is strived in this research to extract the most visible areas of each image with the help of image segmentation. Two methods of producing the Ground Truth were considered, as manual threshold and Otsu threshold, and a neural network will be used to train segment these areas. Finally, it will be shown that the neural network is able to segment the visible parts of pictures acceptably.