Relational concept analysis (RCA) is an extension of formal concept analysis allowing to deal with several related contexts simultaneously. It has been designed for learning description logic theories from data and used within various applications. A puzzling observation about RCA is that it returns a single family of concept lattices although, when the data feature circular dependencies, other solutions may be considered acceptable. The semantics of RCA, provided in an operational way, does not shed light on this issue. In this report, we define these acceptable solutions as those families of concept lattices which belong to the space determined by the initial contexts (well-formed), cannot scale new attributes (saturated), and refer only to concepts of the family (self-supported). We adopt a functional view on the RCA process by defining the space of well-formed solutions and two functions on that space: one expansive and the other contractive. We show that the acceptable solutions are the common fixed points of both functions. This is achieved step-by-step by starting from a minimal version of RCA that considers only one single context defined on a space of contexts and a space of lattices. These spaces are then joined into a single space of context-lattice pairs, which is further extended to a space of indexed families of context-lattice pairs representing the objects manip