In this paper we consider Orthogonal Time Frequency Space (OTFS) modulation based multiple-access (MA). We specifically consider Orthogonal MA methods (OMA) where the user terminals (UTs) are allocated non-overlapping physical resource in the delay-Doppler (DD) and/or time-frequency (TF) domain. To the best of our knowledge, in prior literature, the performance of OMA methods have been reported only for ideal transmit and receive pulses. In [20] and [21], OMA methods were proposed which were shown to achieve multi-user interference (MUI) free communication with ideal pulses. Since ideal pulses are not realizable, in this paper we study the spectral efficiency (SE) performance of these OMA methods with practical rectangular pulses. For these OMA methods, we derive the expression for the received DD domain symbols at the base station (BS) receiver and the effective DD domain channel matrix when rectangular pulses are used. We then derive the expression for the achievable sum SE. These expressions are also derived for another well known OMA method where guard bands (GB) are used to reduce MUI (called as the GB based MA methods) [19]. Through simulations, we observe that with rectangular pulses the sum SE achieved by the method in [21] is almost invariant of the Doppler shift and is higher than that achieved by the methods in [19], [20] at practical values of the received signal-to-noise ratio.