Inspired by natural evolution, evolutionary search algorithms have proven remarkably capable due to their dual abilities to radiantly explore through diverse populations and to converge to adaptive pressures. A large part of this behavior comes from the selection function of an evolutionary algorithm, which is a metric for deciding which individuals survive to the next generation. In deceptive or hard-to-search fitness landscapes, greedy selection often fails, thus it is critical that selection functions strike the correct balance between gradient-exploiting adaptation and exploratory diversification. This paper introduces Sel4Sel, or Selecting for Selection, an algorithm that searches for high-performing neural-network-based selection functions through a meta-evolutionary loop. Results on three distinct bitstring domains indicate that Sel4Sel networks consistently match or exceed the performance of both fitness-based selection and benchmarks explicitly designed to encourage diversity. Analysis of the strongest Sel4Sel networks reveals a general tendency to favor highly novel individuals early on, with a gradual shift towards fitness-based selection as deceptive local optima are bypassed.