Every year millions of people die due to disease of Cancer. Due to its invasive nature it is very complex to cure even in primary stages. Hence, only method to survive this disease completely is via forecasting by analyzing the early mutation in cells of the patient biopsy. Cell Segmentation can be used to find cell which have left their nuclei. This enables faster cure and high rate of survival. Cell counting is a hard, yet tedious task that would greatly benefit from automation. To accomplish this task, segmentation of cells need to be accurate. In this paper, we have improved the learning of training data by our network. It can annotate precise masks on test data. we examine the strength of activation functions in medical image segmentation task by improving learning rates by our proposed Carving Technique. Identifying the cells nuclei is the starting point for most analyses, identifying nuclei allows researchers to identify each individual cell in a sample, and by measuring how cells react to various treatments, the researcher can understand the underlying biological processes at work. Experimental results shows the efficiency of the proposed work.