We investigate the robustness properties of ResNeXt image recognition models trained with billion scale weakly-supervised data (ResNeXt WSL models). These models, recently made public by Facebook AI, were trained on ~1B images from Instagram and fine-tuned on ImageNet. We show that these models display an unprecedented degree of robustness against common image corruptions and perturbations, as measured by the ImageNet-C and ImageNet-P benchmarks. The largest of the released models, in particular, achieves state-of-the-art results on both ImageNet-C and ImageNet-P by a large margin. The gains on ImageNet-C and ImageNet-P far outpace the gains on ImageNet validation accuracy, suggesting the former as more useful benchmarks to measure further progress in image recognition. Remarkably, the ResNeXt WSL models even achieve a limited degree of adversarial robustness against state-of-the-art white-box attacks (10-step PGD attacks). However, in contrast to adversarially trained models, the robustness of the ResNeXt WSL models rapidly declines with the number of PGD steps, suggesting that these models do not achieve genuine adversarial robustness. Visualization of the learned features also confirms this conclusion. Finally, we show that although the ResNeXt WSL models are more shape-biased than comparable ImageNet-trained models in a shape-texture cue conflict experiment, they still remain much more texture-biased than humans and their accuracy on the recently introduced "natural adversarial examples" (ImageNet-A) also remains low, suggesting that they share many of the underlying characteristics of ImageNet-trained models that make these benchmarks challenging.