Phonocardiography has recently gained popularity in low-cost and remote monitoring, including passive fetal heart monitoring. Development for methods which analyse phonocardiographical data try to capitalize on this opportunity, and in recent years a multitude of such algorithms and models have been published. Although there is little to no standardization in these published algorithms and multiple parts of these models have to be reimplemented on a case-by-case basis. Datasets containing heart sound recordings also lack standardization in both data storage and labeling, especially in fetal phonocardiography. We are presenting a toolbox that can serve as a basis for a future standard framework for heart sound analysis. This toolbox contains some of the most widely used processing steps, and with these, complex analysis processes can be created. These functions can be individually tested. Due to the interdependence of the steps, we validated the current segmentation stage using a manually labeled fetal phonocardiogram dataset comprising 50 one-minute abdominal PCG recordings, which include 6,758 S1 and 6,729 S2 labels. Our results were compared to other common and available segmentation methods, peak detection with the Neurokit2 library, and the Hidden Semi-Markov Model by Springer et al. With a 30 ms tolerance our best model achieved a 97.1% F1 score and 10.8 +/- 7.9 ms mean absolute error for S1 detection. This detection accuracy outperformed all tested methods. With this a more accurate S2 detection method can be created as a multi-step process. After an accurate segmentation the extracted features should be representative of the selected segments, which allows for more accurate statistics or classification models. The toolbox contains functions for both feature extraction and statistics creation which are compatible with the previous steps.