Origami offers a versatile framework for designing morphable structures and soft robots by exploiting the geometry of folds. Tubular origami structures can act as continuum manipulators that balance flexibility and strength. However, precise control of such manipulators often requires reliance on vision-based systems that limit their application in complex and cluttered environments. Here, we propose a proprioceptive tendon-driven origami manipulator without compromising its flexibility. Using conductive threads as actuating tendons, we multiplex them with proprioceptive sensing capabilities. The change in the active length of the tendons is reflected in their effective resistance, which can be measured with a simple circuit. We correlated the change in the resistance to the lengths of the tendons. We input this information into a forward kinematic model to reconstruct the manipulator configuration and end-effector position. This platform provides a foundation for the closed-loop control of continuum origami manipulators while preserving their inherent flexibility.