A precoded orthogonal time frequency space (OTFS) modulation scheme relying on faster-than-Nyquist (FTN) transmission over doubly selective fading channels is {proposed}, which enhances the spectral efficiency and improves the Doppler resilience. We derive the input-output relationship of the FTN signaling in the delay-Doppler domain. Eigenvalue decomposition (EVD) is used for eliminating both the effects of inter-symbol interference and correlated additive noise encountered in the delay-Doppler domain to enable efficient symbol-by-symbol demodulation. Furthermore, the power allocation coefficients of individual frames are optimized for maximizing the mutual information under the constraint of the derived total transmit power. Our performance results demonstrate that the proposed FTN-based OTFS scheme can enhance the information rate while achieving a comparable BER performance to that of its conventional Nyquist-based OTFS counterpart that employs the same root-raised-cosine shaping filter.