Adversarial Attacks on Face Recognition (FR) encompass two types: impersonation attacks and evasion attacks. We observe that achieving a successful impersonation attack on FR does not necessarily ensure a successful dodging attack on FR in the black-box setting. Introducing a novel attack method named Pre-training Pruning Restoration Attack (PPR), we aim to enhance the performance of dodging attacks whilst avoiding the degradation of impersonation attacks. Our method employs adversarial example pruning, enabling a portion of adversarial perturbations to be set to zero, while tending to maintain the attack performance. By utilizing adversarial example pruning, we can prune the pre-trained adversarial examples and selectively free up certain adversarial perturbations. Thereafter, we embed adversarial perturbations in the pruned area, which enhances the dodging performance of the adversarial face examples. The effectiveness of our proposed attack method is demonstrated through our experimental results, showcasing its superior performance.