Creation of new annotated public datasets is crucial in helping advances in 3D computer vision and machine learning meet their full potential for automatic interpretation of 3D plant models. In this paper, we introduce PLANesT-3D; a new annotated dataset of 3D color point clouds of plants. PLANesT-3D is composed of 34 point cloud models representing 34 real plants from three different plant species: \textit{Capsicum annuum}, \textit{Rosa kordana}, and \textit{Ribes rubrum}. Both semantic labels in terms of "leaf" and "stem", and organ instance labels were manually annotated for the full point clouds. As an additional contribution, SP-LSCnet, a novel semantic segmentation method that is a combination of unsupervised superpoint extraction and a 3D point-based deep learning approach is introduced and evaluated on the new dataset. Two existing deep neural network architectures, PointNet++ and RoseSegNet were also tested on the point clouds of PLANesT-3D for semantic segmentation.