In addition, we concatenate a Word2Vec\cite{mikolov2013}-trained vector with semantic feature vector (Part-Of-Speech (POS) tagging, chunk-tag) and hidden syntactic feature vector (extracted by Bi-LSTM nerwork) to achieve the (so far best) result in Vietnamese NER system. The result was conducted on the data set VLSP2016 (Vietnamese Language and Speech Processing 2016 \cite{vlsp2016}) competition.
Named entity recognition (NER) plays an important role in text-based information retrieval. In this paper, we combine Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (Bi-LSTM) \cite{hochreiter1997,schuster1997} with Conditional Random Field (CRF) \cite{lafferty2001} to create a novel deep learning model for the NER problem. Each word as input of the deep learning model is represented by a Word2vec-trained vector. A word embedding set trained from about one million articles in 2018 collected through a Vietnamese news portal (