We consider the problem of contextual bandits where actions are subsets of a ground set and mean rewards are modeled by an unknown monotone submodular function that belongs to a class $\mathcal{F}$. We allow time-varying matroid constraints to be placed on the feasible sets. Assuming access to an online regression oracle with regret $\mathsf{Reg}(\mathcal{F})$, our algorithm efficiently randomizes around local optima of estimated functions according to the Inverse Gap Weighting strategy. We show that cumulative regret of this procedure with time horizon $n$ scales as $O(\sqrt{n \mathsf{Reg}(\mathcal{F})})$ against a benchmark with a multiplicative factor $1/2$. On the other hand, using the techniques of (Filmus and Ward 2014), we show that an $\epsilon$-Greedy procedure with local randomization attains regret of $O(n^{2/3} \mathsf{Reg}(\mathcal{F})^{1/3})$ against a stronger $(1-e^{-1})$ benchmark.