Gradient-based hyperparameter optimization is an attractive way to perform meta-learning across a distribution of tasks, or improve the performance of an optimizer on a single task. However, this approach has been unpopular for tasks requiring long horizons (many gradient steps), due to memory scaling and gradient degradation issues. A common workaround is to learn hyperparameters online or split the horizon into smaller chunks. However, this introduces greediness which comes with a large performance drop, since the best local hyperparameters can make for poor global solutions. In this work, we enable non-greediness over long horizons with a two-fold solution. First, we share hyperparameters that are contiguous in time, and show that this drastically mitigates gradient degradation issues. Then, we derive a forward-mode differentiation algorithm for the popular momentum-based SGD optimizer, which allows for a memory cost that is constant with horizon size. When put together, these solutions allow us to learn hyperparameters without any prior knowledge. Compared to the baseline of hand-tuned off-the-shelf hyperparameters, our method compares favorably on simple datasets like SVHN. On CIFAR-10 we match the baseline performance, and demonstrate for the first time that learning rate, momentum and weight decay schedules can be learned with gradients on a dataset of this size. Code is available at