New Q-Newton's method meets Backtracking line search: good convergence guarantee, saddle points avoidance, quadratic rate of convergence, and easy implementation

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Aug 23, 2021
Figure 1 for New Q-Newton's method meets Backtracking line search: good convergence guarantee, saddle points avoidance, quadratic rate of convergence, and easy implementation
Figure 2 for New Q-Newton's method meets Backtracking line search: good convergence guarantee, saddle points avoidance, quadratic rate of convergence, and easy implementation
Figure 3 for New Q-Newton's method meets Backtracking line search: good convergence guarantee, saddle points avoidance, quadratic rate of convergence, and easy implementation
Figure 4 for New Q-Newton's method meets Backtracking line search: good convergence guarantee, saddle points avoidance, quadratic rate of convergence, and easy implementation

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