Multi-stream sequential change detection involves simultaneously monitoring many streams of data and trying to detect when their distributions change, if at all. Here, we theoretically study multiple testing issues that arise from detecting changes in many streams. We point out that any algorithm with finite average run length (ARL) must have a trivial worst-case false detection rate (FDR), family-wise error rate (FWER), and per-family error rate (PFER); thus, any attempt to control these Type I error metrics is fundamentally in conflict with the desire for a finite ARL. One of our contributions is to define a new class of metrics which can be controlled, called error over patience (EOP). We propose algorithms that combine the recent e-detector framework (which generalizes the Shiryaev-Roberts and CUSUM methods) with the recent e-Benjamini-Hochberg procedure and e-Bonferroni procedures. We prove that these algorithms control the EOP at any desired level under very general dependence structures on the data within and across the streams. In fact, we prove a more general error control that holds uniformly over all stopping times and provides a smooth trade-off between the conflicting metrics. Additionally, if finiteness of the ARL is forfeited, we show that our algorithms control the Type I error.