Automotive radars at the Terahertz (THz) frequency band have the potential to be compact and lightweight while providing high (nearly-optical) angular resolution. In this paper, we propose a bistatic THz automotive radar that employs the recently proposed orthogonal chirp division multiplexing (OCDM) multi-carrier waveform. As a stand-alone communications waveform, OCDM has been investigated for robustness against interference in time-frequency selective channels. The THz-band path loss, and, hence, radar signal bandwidth, are range-dependent. We address this unique feature through a multi-carrier wideband OCDM sensing transceiver that exploits the coherence bandwidth of the THz channel. We develop an optimal scheme to combine the returns at different range/bandwidths by assigning weights based on the Cramer-Rao lower bound on the range and velocity estimates. Numerical experiments demonstrate improved target estimates using our proposed combined estimation from multiple varied-attenuation THz frequencies.