Given a maze populated with different objects, one may task a robot with a sequential goal completion task, e.g. 1) pick up a key then 2) unlock the door then 3) unlock the treasure chest. A typical machine learning (ML) solution would involve a monolithically trained artificial neural network (ANN). However, if the sequence of goals or the goals themselves change, then the ANN must be significantly (or, at worst, completely) retrained. Instead of a monolithic ANN, a modular ML component would be 1) independently optimizable (task-agnostic) and 2) arbitrarily reconfigurable with other ML modules. This work describes a modular, hierarchical ML framework by integrating two emerging ML techniques: 1) cognitive map learners (CML) and 2) hyperdimensional computing (HDC). A CML is a collection of three single layer ANNs (matrices) collaboratively trained to learn the topology of an abstract graph. Here, two CMLs were constructed, one describing locations on in 2D physical space and the other the relative distribution of objects found in this space. Each CML node states was encoded as a high-dimensional vector to utilize HDC, an ML algebra, for symbolic reasoning over these high-dimensional symbol vectors. In this way, each sub-goal above was described by algebraic equations of CML node states. Multiple, independently trained CMLs were subsequently assembled together to navigate a maze to solve a sequential goal task. Critically, changes to these goals required only localized changes in the CML-HDC architecture, as opposed to a global ANN retraining scheme. This framework therefore enabled a more traditional engineering approach to ML, akin to digital logic design.