Skin cancer segmentation poses a significant challenge in medical image analysis. Numerous existing solutions, predominantly CNN-based, face issues related to a lack of global contextual understanding. Alternatively, some approaches resort to large-scale Transformer models to bridge the global contextual gaps, but at the expense of model size and computational complexity. Finally many Transformer based approaches rely primarily on CNN based decoders overlooking the benefits of Transformer based decoding models. Recognizing these limitations, we address the need efficient lightweight solutions by introducing MobileUNETR, which aims to overcome the performance constraints associated with both CNNs and Transformers while minimizing model size, presenting a promising stride towards efficient image segmentation. MobileUNETR has 3 main features. 1) MobileUNETR comprises of a lightweight hybrid CNN-Transformer encoder to help balance local and global contextual feature extraction in an efficient manner; 2) A novel hybrid decoder that simultaneously utilizes low-level and global features at different resolutions within the decoding stage for accurate mask generation; 3) surpassing large and complex architectures, MobileUNETR achieves superior performance with 3 million parameters and a computational complexity of 1.3 GFLOP resulting in 10x and 23x reduction in parameters and FLOPS, respectively. Extensive experiments have been conducted to validate the effectiveness of our proposed method on four publicly available skin lesion segmentation datasets, including ISIC 2016, ISIC 2017, ISIC 2018, and PH2 datasets. The code will be publicly available at: