The design of analog circuits is a cornerstone of integrated circuit (IC) development, requiring the optimization of complex, interconnected sub-structures such as amplifiers, comparators, and buffers. Traditionally, this process relies heavily on expert human knowledge to refine design objectives by carefully tuning sub-components while accounting for their interdependencies. Existing methods, such as Bayesian Optimization (BO), offer a mathematically driven approach for efficiently navigating large design spaces. However, these methods fall short in two critical areas compared to human expertise: (i) they lack the semantic understanding of the sizing solution space and its direct correlation with design objectives before optimization, and (ii) they fail to reuse knowledge gained from optimizing similar sub-structures across different circuits. To overcome these limitations, we propose the Large Language Model-based Universal Sizing Optimizer (LLM-USO), which introduces a novel method for knowledge representation to encode circuit design knowledge in a structured text format. This representation enables the systematic reuse of optimization insights for circuits with similar sub-structures. LLM-USO employs a hybrid framework that integrates BO with large language models (LLMs) and a learning summary module. This approach serves to: (i) infuse domain-specific knowledge into the BO process and (ii) facilitate knowledge transfer across circuits, mirroring the cognitive strategies of expert designers. Specifically, LLM-USO constructs a knowledge summary mechanism to distill and apply design insights from one circuit to related ones. It also incorporates a knowledge summary critiquing mechanism to ensure the accuracy and quality of the summaries and employs BO-guided suggestion filtering to identify optimal design points efficiently.