With the explosive growth of users and items, Recommender Systems (RS) are facing unprecedented challenges on both retrieval efficiency and storage cost. Fortunately, Learning to Hash (L2H) techniques have been shown as a promising solution to address the two dilemmas, whose core idea is encoding high-dimensional data into compact hash codes. To this end, L2H for RS (HashRec for short) has recently received widespread attention to support large-scale recommendations. In this survey, we present a comprehensive review of current HashRec algorithms. Specifically, we first introduce the commonly used two-tower models in the recall stage and identify two search strategies frequently employed in L2H. Then, we categorize prior works into two-tier taxonomy based on: (i) the type of loss function and (ii) the optimization strategy. We also introduce some commonly used evaluation metrics to measure the performance of HashRec algorithms. Finally, we shed light on the limitations of the current research and outline the future research directions. Furthermore, the summary of HashRec methods reviewed in this survey can be found at \href{