Tropospheric ozone, known as a concerning air pollutant, has been associated with health issues including asthma, bronchitis, and impaired lung function. The rates at which peroxy radicals react with NO play a critical role in the overall formation and depletion of tropospheric ozone. However, obtaining comprehensive kinetic data for these reactions remains challenging. Traditional approaches to determine rate constants are costly and technically intricate. Fortunately, the emergence of machine learning-based models offers a less resource and time-intensive alternative for acquiring kinetics information. In this study, we leveraged deep reinforcement learning to predict ranges of rate constants (\textit{k}) with exceptional accuracy, achieving a testing set accuracy of 100%. To analyze reactivity trends based on the molecular structure of peroxy radicals, we employed 51 global descriptors as input parameters. These descriptors were derived from optimized minimum energy geometries of peroxy radicals using the quantum composite G3B3 method. Through the application of Integrated Gradients (IGs), we gained valuable insights into the significance of the various descriptors in relation to reaction rates. We successfully validated and contextualized our findings by conducting cross-comparisons with established trends in the existing literature. These results establish a solid foundation for pioneering advancements in chemistry, where computer analysis serves as an inspirational source driving innovation.