The Motion Manifold Primitive (MMP) produces, for a given task, a continuous manifold of trajectories each of which can successfully complete the task. It consists of the decoder function that parametrizes the manifold and the probability density in the latent coordinate space. In this paper, we first show that the MMP performance can significantly degrade due to the geometric distortion in the latent space -- by distortion, we mean that similar motions are not located nearby in the latent space. We then propose {\it Isometric Motion Manifold Primitives (IMMP)} whose latent coordinate space preserves the geometry of the manifold. For this purpose, we formulate and use a Riemannian metric for the motion space (i.e., parametric curve space), which we call a {\it CurveGeom Riemannian metric}. Experiments with planar obstacle-avoiding motions and pushing manipulation tasks show that IMMP significantly outperforms existing MMP methods. Code is available at