A forecasting ensemble consisting of a diverse range of estimators for both local and global univariate forecasting, in particular MQ-CNN,DeepAR, Prophet, NPTS, ARIMA and ETS, can be used to make forecasts for a variety of problems. This paper delves into the aspect of adding different hyperparameter optimization strategies to the deep learning models in such a setup (DeepAR and MQ-CNN), exploring the trade-off between added training cost and the increase in accuracy for different configurations. It shows that in such a setup, adding hyperparameter optimization can lead to performance improvements, with the final setup having a 9.9 % percent accuracy improvement with respect to the avg-wQL over the baseline ensemble without HPO, accompanied by a 65.8 % increase in end-to-end ensemble latency. This improvement is based on an empirical analysis of combining the ensemble pipeline with different tuning strategies, namely Bayesian Optimisation and Hyperband and different configurations of those strategies. In the final configuration, the proposed combination of ensemble learning and HPO outperforms the state of the art commercial AutoML forecasting solution, Amazon Forecast, with a 3.5 % lower error and 16.0 % lower end-to-end ensemble latency.