We take the novel perspective to view data not as a probability distribution but rather as a current. Primarily studied in the field of geometric measure theory, $k$-currents are continuous linear functionals acting on compactly supported smooth differential forms and can be understood as a generalized notion of oriented $k$-dimensional manifold. By moving from distributions (which are $0$-currents) to $k$-currents, we can explicitly orient the data by attaching a $k$-dimensional tangent plane to each sample point. Based on the flat metric which is a fundamental distance between currents, we derive FlatGAN, a formulation in the spirit of generative adversarial networks but generalized to $k$-currents. In our theoretical contribution we prove that the flat metric between a parametrized current and a reference current is Lipschitz continuous in the parameters. In experiments, we show that the proposed shift to $k>0$ leads to interpretable and disentangled latent representations which behave equivariantly to the specified oriented tangent planes.