A large class of non-smooth practical optimization problems can be written as minimization of a sum of smooth and partly smooth functions. We consider such structured problems which also depend on a parameter vector and study the problem of differentiating its solution mapping with respect to the parameter which has far reaching applications in sensitivity analysis and parameter learning optmization problems. We show that under partial smoothness and other mild assumptions, Automatic Differentiation (AD) of the sequence generated by proximal splitting algorithms converges to the derivative of the solution mapping. For a variant of automatic differentiation, which we call Fixed-Point Automatic Differentiation (FPAD), we remedy the memory overhead problem of the Reverse Mode AD and moreover provide faster convergence theoretically. We numerically illustrate the convergence and convergence rates of AD and FPAD on Lasso and Group Lasso problems and demonstrate the working of FPAD on prototypical practical image denoising problem by learning the regularization term.