Many models used in machine learning have become so large that even computer computation of the full gradient of the loss function is impractical. This has made it necessary to efficiently train models using limited available information, such as batch size and learning rate. We have theoretically analyzed the use of Riemannian stochastic gradient descent (RSGD) and found that using an increasing batch size leads to faster RSGD convergence than using a constant batch size not only with a constant learning rate but also with a decaying learning rate, such as cosine annealing decay and polynomial decay. In particular, RSGD has a better convergence rate $O(\frac{1}{\sqrt{T}})$ than the existing rate $O(\frac{\sqrt{\log T}}{\sqrt[4]{T}})$ with a diminishing learning rate, where $T$ is the number of iterations. The results of experiments on principal component analysis and low-rank matrix completion problems confirmed that, except for the MovieLens dataset and a constant learning rate, using a polynomial growth batch size or an exponential growth batch size results in better performance than using a constant batch size.