Collaboration is a key challenge in distributed multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) environments. Learning frameworks for these decentralized systems must weigh the benefits of explicit player coordination against the communication overhead and computational cost of sharing local observations and environmental data. Quantum computing has sparked a potential synergy between quantum entanglement and cooperation in multi-agent environments, which could enable more efficient distributed collaboration with minimal information sharing. This relationship is largely unexplored, however, as current state-of-the-art quantum MARL (QMARL) implementations rely on classical information sharing rather than entanglement over a quantum channel as a coordination medium. In contrast, in this paper, a novel framework dubbed entangled QMARL (eQMARL) is proposed. The proposed eQMARL is a distributed actor-critic framework that facilitates cooperation over a quantum channel and eliminates local observation sharing via a quantum entangled split critic. Introducing a quantum critic uniquely spread across the agents allows coupling of local observation encoders through entangled input qubits over a quantum channel, which requires no explicit sharing of local observations and reduces classical communication overhead. Further, agent policies are tuned through joint observation-value function estimation via joint quantum measurements, thereby reducing the centralized computational burden. Experimental results show that eQMARL with ${\Psi}^{+}$ entanglement converges to a cooperative strategy up to $17.8\%$ faster and with a higher overall score compared to split classical and fully centralized classical and quantum baselines. The results also show that eQMARL achieves this performance with a constant factor of $25$-times fewer centralized parameters compared to the split classical baseline.