Zeroth-order (ZO) optimization is being recognized as a simple yet powerful alternative to standard backpropagation (BP)-based training. Notably, ZO optimization allows for training with only forward passes and (almost) the same memory as inference, making it well-suited for edge devices with limited computing and memory resources. In this paper, we propose ZO-based on-device learning (ODL) methods for full-precision and 8-bit quantized deep neural networks (DNNs), namely ElasticZO and ElasticZO-INT8. ElasticZO lies in the middle between pure ZO- and pure BP-based approaches, and is based on the idea to employ BP for the last few layers and ZO for the remaining layers. ElasticZO-INT8 achieves integer arithmetic-only ZO-based training for the first time, by incorporating a novel method for computing quantized ZO gradients from integer cross-entropy loss values. Experimental results on the classification datasets show that ElasticZO effectively addresses the slow convergence of vanilla ZO and shrinks the accuracy gap to BP-based training. Compared to vanilla ZO, ElasticZO achieves 5.2-9.5% higher accuracy with only 0.072-1.7% memory overhead, and can handle fine-tuning tasks as well as full training. ElasticZO-INT8 further reduces the memory usage and training time by 1.46-1.60x and 1.38-1.42x without compromising the accuracy. These results demonstrate a better tradeoff between accuracy and training cost compared to pure ZO- and BP-based approaches, and also highlight the potential of ZO optimization in on-device learning.