We introduce a global, gradient-free surrogate optimization strategy for expensive black-box functions inspired by the Fokker-Planck and Langevin equations. These can be written as an optimization problem where the objective is the target function to maximize minus the logarithm of the current density of evaluated samples. This objective balances exploitation of the target objective with exploration of low-density regions. The method, Deterministic Langevin Optimization (DLO), relies on a Normalizing Flow density estimate to perform active learning and select proposal points for evaluation. This strategy differs qualitatively from the widely-used acquisition functions employed by Bayesian Optimization methods, and can accommodate a range of surrogate choices. We demonstrate superior or competitive progress toward objective optima on standard synthetic test functions, as well as on non-convex and multi-modal posteriors of moderate dimension. On real-world objectives, such as scientific and neural network hyperparameter optimization, DLO is competitive with state-of-the-art baselines.