The goal of this document is to provide a pedagogical introduction to the main concepts underpinning the training of deep neural networks using gradient descent; a process known as backpropagation. Although we focus on a very influential class of architectures called "convolutional neural networks" (CNNs) the approach is generic and useful to the machine learning community as a whole. Motivated by the observation that derivations of backpropagation are often obscured by clumsy index-heavy narratives that appear somewhat mathemagical, we aim to offer a conceptually clear, vectorized description that articulates well the higher level logic. Following the principle of "writing is nature's way of letting you know how sloppy your thinking is", we try to make the calculations meticulous, self-contained and yet as intuitive as possible. Taking nothing for granted, ample illustrations serve as visual guides and an extensive bibliography is provided for further explorations. (For the sake of clarity, long mathematical derivations and visualizations have been broken up into short "summarized views" and longer "detailed views" encoded into the PDF as optional content groups. Some figures contain animations designed to illustrate important concepts in a more engaging style. For these reasons, we advise to download the document locally and open it using Adobe Acrobat Reader. Other viewers were not tested and may not render the detailed views, animations correctly.)