We present a novel adaptive online learning (AOL) framework to predict human movement trajectories in dynamic video scenes. Our framework learns and adapts to changes in the scene environment and generates best network weights for different scenarios. The framework can be applied to prediction models and improve their performance as it dynamically adjusts when it encounters changes in the scene and can apply the best training weights for predicting the next locations. We demonstrate this by integrating our framework with two existing prediction models: LSTM [3] and Future Person Location (FPL) [1]. Furthermore, we analyze the number of network weights for optimal performance and show that we can achieve real-time with a fixed number of networks using the least recently used (LRU) strategy for maintaining the most recently trained network weights. With extensive experiments, we show that our framework increases prediction accuracies of LSTM and FPL by ~17% and 28% on average, and up to ~50% for FPL on the worst case while achieving real-time (20fps).