}. The results indicate that, on average, our method generates 320 topologically distinctive paths within a mere 100 milliseconds. This outcome underscores a significant enhancement in efficiency when compared to existing methods. To foster further research within the community, we have made the source code of our proposed algorithm publicly accessible\footnote{}. We anticipate that this framework will significantly contribute to the development of more efficient topologically distinctive path planning, along with related trajectory optimization and motion planning endeavors.
Conventional local planners frequently become trapped in a locally optimal trajectory, primarily due to their inability to traverse obstacles. Having a larger number of topologically distinctive paths increases the likelihood of finding the optimal trajectory. It is crucial to generate a substantial number of topologically distinctive paths in real-time. Accordingly, we propose an efficient path planning approach based on tangent graphs to yield multiple topologically distinctive paths. Diverging from existing algorithms, our method eliminates the necessity of distinguishing whether two paths belong to the same topology; instead, it generates multiple topologically distinctive paths based on the locally shortest property of tangents. Additionally, we introduce a priority constraint for the queue during graph search, thereby averting the exponential expansion of queue size. To illustrate the advantages of our method, we conducted a comparative analysis with various typical algorithms using a widely recognized public dataset\footnote{