Predictive models trained on imbalanced data tend to produce biased results. This problem is exacerbated when there is not just one output label, but a set of them. This is the case for multilabel learning (MLL) algorithms used to classify patterns, rank labels, or learn the distribution of outputs. Many solutions have been proposed in the literature. The one that can be applied universally, independent of the algorithm used to build the model, is data resampling. The generation of new instances associated with minority labels, so that empty areas of the feature space are filled, helps to improve the obtained models. The quality of these new instances depends on the algorithm used to generate them. In this paper, a diffusion model tailored to produce new instances for MLL data, called MLDM (\textit{MultiLabel Diffusion Model}), is proposed. Diffusion models have been mainly used to generate artificial images and videos. Our proposed MLDM is based on this type of models. The experiments conducted compare MLDM with several other MLL resampling algorithms. The results show that MLDM is competitive while it improves efficiency.